Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jury Duty, Day Three

Add ImageToday ended my third and final day of Jury Duty for the Common Pleas Court of Licking County. Now I can talk about the trial, be back to my several times a day reading of The Newark Advocate and most importantly to me: back to work.
I have had for forty years the highest respect for Judge Jon Spahr, today I do not know what is higher than highest, but this is what my respect for him is now. It has to be a very lonely job, sitting behind his bench listening, giving instructions to the attorneys, jury and witnesses. After the five hour deliberation, verdicts read and the jury taken back to the Jury Room. Jon Spahr who has a very bad cold came in and visited the jury and discussed the case, gave answers to questions and once again thanked everyone for helping. During the trial I felt sorry for him, no smile, no exciting expressions, but afterwards when he came into the Jury Room, I saw the smiling Jon I have known and liked for years.
Two days ago, I posted in this blog that you should never wear a tie, because you will be selected for the jury. Today after the closing remarks, we were lead to the Jury Room. The jury had to select a Foreperson, one of my fellow jurors pointed her finger at me and said "he is a business man, he should be Foreman". I sat there, trying to slip under the table, while others agreed. Foreman is not the real title, it is referee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pat; I'm still waiting for my jury to finish deliberating, missing one Christmas party, but hoping I'll get out in time to catch some before it's over; it's now 6:58 p.m.; I'm sure the next jury I have that will go late will be 12/17.